Self Beautification, Self Beautification of Your Body

I think in fashion, life and beyond, what we are seeking is beauty, beautification of ourselves, our environment, our vehicles and clothes etc.

What I find insanely bizarre is that it is pretty common that people will spend $3.2 million on a home, or $250,000 on remodeling their home, making the interior of their home or beautiful or whatever, yet they spend zero money or concern to beautify their own bodies?

Body thoughts

So I think the critical issue here is that modern day society and capitalism is actually antibody. The body is seen as an afterthought, especially because we have this strange Puritan Quaker Protestant work ethic morality when it comes to work, saving for the future, and essentially that the body is evil.

For example, probably close to 100% of American males watch porn pornography, yet still… Man feel embarrassed about it? Or chuckle about it?

And also, one is not allowed to be sexual anymore? Do you have any sort of sexual desire or drive is seen as bad?

Why capitalism consumerism sends us mixed signals 

OK some very bizarre thoughts; we are indoctrinated that it is good to be different, to be remarkable, and to be unique. Yet, everyone is just trying to be different and unique all in the same way?

Example, with clothes and clothing brands. The problem about the democratization of fashion is that anyone could buy the same outfit or sneaker or brand so but it does not make you beautiful.

We must labor to be beautiful!

My personal thought is the only way to become beautiful is simple; through vigorous physical exercise, through weightlifting, yoga or whatever, and also, maximum time spent outside, walking, in the direct sun and elements. Ideally minimum amount of close possible, to best showcase your naked human body.

Why is it that when you look at ancient Greek or Roman statues, they are all naked? It is because man, and woman, is the peak of all beauty, and perfection. For example, no Lamborghini or Ferrari or sports car on the planet is as sublime as an insanely beautiful female human body and face. For example, that one Cuban American actress, the one that was in Blade Runner, and now the new upcoming John Wick ballerina movie, has an insanely beautiful face! Not too sure about her height — but, it is very refreshing to see a beautiful female actress and face, with full lips, bright eyes, a great personality. And also kind of refreshing to see a beautiful female actress in Hollywood without a boob job; for example if she is insanely sexy in that last James Bond movie, when she is about to go into that secret club, and she has that beautiful blue dress, obviously without a bra on top.

And I think this is the big thing is that bigger is not necessarily better. I think for a minute, I think steroids and breast augmentation go hand-in-hand; for a minute the general idea was bigger is better.

For example, bigger muscle muscles, bigger chest, was better? Also with women… Bigger breast, bigger butt, bigger lips or whatever it was better?

Think proportions

I think you cannot really fool the human mind.  for example, assuming that you have a relatively short woman, let us say she is 5 foot tall or something, and she is quite petite; and then she has a C cup or a D cup breast size, certainly something will look a bit off.

Natural realistically… Petite healthy beautiful women, they have supple breast, and I think the physiology is that too signal of fertility, the breasts are firm, and also kind of point upwards?

Anyways, what is kind of counterintuitive is that I think man, certainly we are attracted to the female breast. Even in the Emily Wilson translation of the Iliad talking about ”breasts which kindle desire”– it ain’t about having some sort of massive porn star breast. Actually, when female breasts are almost too big, two circular and spherical, too perfect, they look hard instead of soft and supple… It is actually a little bit more grotesque than attractive.

And I think this is where a lot of modern day pornography has things wrong. They assume that guys just want girls with huge tits, so then they will enroll women who have these really tacky boob jobs. Yet I think what men desire to see and witness is to imagine or visualize or fantasize a beautiful woman who is attracted to them, and maybe wants to be seduced? 

I also think the bizarre thing in America is that at least with women, it is no longer trendy for a woman to desire to be desired by a man. And then once again this becomes a little bit weird; women then are somehow trying to look sexy to get likes and comments and followers on Instagram? But don’t they know that these are mostly a bunch of 50-year-old, single childless men… With nothing better to do?

For example, let us say that you are a young attractive woman, with 10 million followers on Instagram. But if I waved a magical wand to reveal to you that literally 100% of these followers of yours, were literally a bunch of 55 year-old single childless fat men, would that change your perception or feeling?

Beauty for the sake of what?

So I’m starting to think that beauty is just another product to be marketed to us insult to us. And if you just follow the money it is pretty simple; sooner or later someone is trying to sell you these overpriced caffeine powder supplements, protein powder whey creatine etc, vitamins, etc — or even worse, strange hormone “therapy” or testosterone replacement stuff.

The only influencers and people you should trust are people who encourage you to do a “via negativa” approach — who tell you what NOT to do. For example, people who tell you not to consume protein powder, not to take pre-workout powder, not to take vitamins and minerals etc.

Essentially, somebody who is not either directly or indirectly monetizing their advice, in terms of product services or advertisements.

Maybe the reason you could trust in ERIC KIM is that I am already independently wealthy through bitcoin and photography; so anything that I have to say about diet health and fitness, you know you’re not being played. 

Via negativa food & fitness

Once again guys some simple ideas:

First, the real big idea here, which I literally have never ever ever heard anybody else say, is the virtues of intermittent fasting, and fasting, and not eating anything before you lift weights or work out. 

For example, some fools say this is dangerous, but come on… I am a 100% all natural weightlifter, and I was able to successfully lift 1000 pounds, that is 10 1/2 plates on each side of the barbell, all while fasting and in a fasted state, consuming nothing but tapwater and black coffee. And I am not some sort of fat dude on steroids; I’m 6 foot tall, 4% body fat,  and maybe I weigh around 160 or 165 pounds? I don’t really know because I haven’t weighed myself in about seven years. But I got a penis arrow, which speaks for itself.

Ultimately why does this matter?

 What I think is ultimately, sooner or later, people will wake up and learn and realize that they will want to have kids!

99% of these fertility issues of modern day life is due to the fact that both man and woman is infertile, they consume too many drugs alcohol and adopt vegetarian and vegan diet “plant based “diets, which lead to impotence, in terms of both parties.

For example, modern day man their testosterone is so low because they don’t consume enough organ meats, beef liver, beef heart and beef intestines, red meat steak etc.

Also same goes with women. Whenever you see a woman who is a vegetarian or vegan or “plant based”, she doesn’t really look that healthy or attractive.

The Fiat standard 

I’m currently reading the field standard by Saif Dean, same author as the bitcoin standard, and I’m actually having a lot of fun! One thing I learned about book reading is that reading a book should be fun and playful! It should make you laugh, question things, and the whole process should be pure joy, not drudgery.

Another thing about modern day life is that somehow we have indoctrinated people that for one reason or another… Reading a book must be arduous and hard and boring and require some sort of overcoming. No. A book should never be boring. If a book is boring it is a failure.