My new notion of body euphoria: the exact opposite of body dys-morphia.
Body euphoria — insane godlike joy in one’s body and capabilities!

My new notion of body euphoria: the exact opposite of body dys-morphia.
Body euphoria — insane godlike joy in one’s body and capabilities!
I have a thought that aesthetics are often very practical. For example, things, spaces, and places which are aesthetically beautiful are often better for our health.
Another thought, in regards to fitness:
Some people go to the gym and lift weights and exercise and do certain exercises in order to beautify their bodies. Some people just focus on strength and power.
But the funny thing is if you are insanely strong and powerful, like ERIC KIM and the 1,000 pound atlas lift, naturally your body will become beautiful. However if you just focus on aesthetic side of bodybuilding, you often become plagued with injuries, and weaknesses. And not very strong.
Therefore, the practical advice:
Just focus on getting very very strong. Insanely strong. Demigod strong.
Real men eat meat:
Just toss it in!
Currently settling down in my new life here in Culver, Culver City (Los Angeles), and feeling insanely happy. Then the thought: what is the philosophy of happiness? Why happiness, and how to become it?
The first thought is that health is prime, health is peak. That is, I believe that your focuses must first be critically directed towards your health. For example, simple things:
Why do I care for happiness, why do I care to write about this and share this?
Honestly speaking, happiness, human happiness, human physiological thriving and wellness might be the most critical ingredient to life. Why? Even if you are a trillionaire with 1000 or 1 million Lamborghinis, but you had the worlds poorest health, would it be worth it? Of course not.
My thought: hundred percent carnivore diet. Seneca is two years, eight months old, and he loves “kibbeh”, which is essentially super mini burger patties made out of ground beef, 100% grass fed. Easy to cook on the frying pan or even in an air fryer! The secret is make them really really small.
Funny enough, he even enjoys eating it cold!
I think this is the secret of him growing up and becoming so big and strong!
Also a new pro tip; in the early days, feed them bone marrow! This is essentially what demigod like Achilles was fed. Also, for milk, I believe goats milk to be the best. I read this from an ancient Roman book on animal husbandry!
I think the best strategy is to allow yourself to be and become a little bit more unethical, less concerned and concerning of external things peoples desires expectations etc.
Overall, I think it is a good idea to have like goals dreams hopes and aspirations etc. I like the idea of having an insanely audacious life, and once you achieve it and hit it, then, perhaps the best strategy is this:
Onto the next one!
I no longer count pounds, only plates:
Standard mode:
Sleeping a bit earlier last night, and waking up earlier today, around 5 AM, some of the things I am grateful for the gym, just even the local ghetto LA fitness gym:
First of all, the night prior, I used a clever dripper, ground up some phenomenal ERIC KIM OMAKASE COFFEE, and started steeping a very very strong cup of coffee. A problem that I’ve been having recently is that I’ve been waking up earlier before Cindy and Seneca, and grinding the coffee in the morning wakes up Cindy. As a consequence the night prior what I have been experimenting with is grinding the coffee before hand, and then beginning to steep and brew the coffee the night prior, and when I drain the coffee first thing in the morning, it is very very strong, the way I like it, and I could immediately drink my cuppa coffee, put on my gloves, walk downstairs, jumping the car, just drove over to the closest LA fitness gym.
I think the problem is if you wake up early, or even wake up in general, typically your apartment or home is small and cramped. Even if you live in a big ass house or a mansion, I think ultimately we have a lust and passion for other people, and as a consequence, we want to be part of society and the real world.
Even when I consider college, studying sociology, in general, I think ultimately at least my passion is other people. I think all of us to some degree love society and want to be a part of society.
Of the great things about just joining any local gym, commercial gym is the hot sauna. Honestly I think nowadays, 99% the reason why I like going to the gym is for the hot sauna. Even as I voice dictate these words into my iPad Pro, just connected to the LA fitness guest Wi-Fi here, it is a good place to think meditate and ideate, and also jot down your thoughts.
I’ve recently been doing more “off the grid” workouts, and it has been mostly good. I love being outside, being in the outdoors, fresh air, Drex, getting a nice tan. Yet when you wake up at 5 AM, and it is dark and cold outside, I have no interest in being outside.
Then perhaps, maybe there is some sort of Hybrid model here; when the weather is nice and sunny outside, best to be outside working out outside, in the sun, but when it is still cold, wet, damp and frigid outside and dark, better go to the gym!
Another big benefit that I personally find of going to the gym, depending on what gym you have, is the big open space. A place we can stomp around, talk loud, without worrying about upsetting or waking up others. my new definition of a good gym:
A place in which you are permitted to be loud.