So amazing!
So amazing!
What Are Your Life Goals?
Tell me your goals, what your life goals are and I will tell you who you are.
So there is a double edged sword of goals, life goals etc. The problems here is that you could hit and achieve all of your life goals, and once that you have achieved them… truth be told it is pretty anti-climactic. For example, even my insanely audacious goal of lifting 1000 pounds, I was very very happy and pleased with it… but once again, at least to me it felt like another day at the gym. To me the difference between lifting 995 pounds, and 1000 pounds, was just a number in my mind. 
Becoming a millionaire and before becoming a millionaire didn’t change much to my mindset – Steve Jobs
Funny thought… Numbers and round numbers, there’s this weird psychology behind it.
Example, I’m currently eyeing on purchasing some new weights because I’m maxed up my current set up. Yet for me… To pay $550 or $560 seems like too much… But to pay sub $500, like $450, or $490 seems much more palatable.
This is why… To charge $999, at least for the sticker price on an iPhone pro is insanely intelligent because once you break the thousand dollar mark, in the mind of people… It is almost too much. Also then intelligence of Elon… To essentially make the model 3 and Y, at least the sticker price is $29,999 a dollar under the $30,000 mark is genius. I think one of the things that I learned is that we humans are funny… We are often suckered by these superficial number differences.
A big innovation I discovered while in Cambodia Asia when lifting there… Is everyone uses kilograms, not pounds. And this was the impetus to help me break beyond my mental barriers, at least when it came to traditional pounds and weights.
For example, the traditional American plate is 45 pounds… But when it comes to kilograms, the red plate is 25 kg, which is more close to about 52 pounds.
As a consequence… as an American weightlifters or powerlifters, we typically see the deadlift, in which the traditional marker of strength is being able to do at least a “four plate deadlift”, which is 405 pounds in total. Yet if you took the metric kilogram approach… four plates, assuming that it was in 25 kg increments, would technically be a lot more.
Steelman not Ironman?
The man of steel (Superman)
This is where steel is better than iron… steel is more expensive, but should last a lot longer than iron. And this is where I think buying calibrated steel weightlifting plates is a good idea… In theory if you keep good condition of it, you should be able to hand it down to your Kids.
And this is where things become fun… now that you have a son, or at least I do… life is so insanely great because I’m so excited the day that I get going to weightlifting, and I could hand down my legendary Texas power squat bar to him, and also he will inherit all my weight lifting equipment and plates etc.
I think this is the reason why it is difficult for people who have never had a kid or child to imagine the future. Why? If you are the typical single millennial, or let us say if you have a dog or whatever…  it is actually very difficult to think about the future. Why why? Your life strategy becomes about hedonism maximization, which is in the context of eating good sushi, traveling to Japan, etc. But like Cindy famously said… You can only go to burning man so many times. And also, you can only go to Japan so many times, and eat good or omakase sushi so many times before it loses its appeal. 
Simply jot it down, or blog it — or think about it. Dictate what you care for, and strive with all your might towards that goal!
Explore more:
A One-Rep Max (1RM) represents the maximum weight an individual can lift for a single repetition of a specific exercise with proper form. In the context of rack pulls, determining your 1RM can help tailor your training program for strength gains, track progress, and set realistic performance goals.
As previously discussed, rack pulls are a deadlift variation performed from an elevated position, typically using a power rack or blocks. This exercise emphasizes the upper phase of the deadlift, targeting the posterior chain, including the glutes, hamstrings, lower back, and traps.
Determining your 1RM should be approached cautiously to minimize the risk of injury. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
If you have prior experience with rack pulls or deadlifts, use your known performance to estimate your 1RM. If not, start conservatively to assess your current strength level.
If attempting a true 1RM is not feasible, you can estimate it using submaximal loads and repetition data. The Brzycki Formula is a commonly used method:
[ \text{1RM} = \frac{\text{Weight Lifted}}{1.0278 – (0.0278 \times \text{Number of Reps})} ]
If you can perform 5 reps of rack pulls at 80 kg:
[ \text{1RM} = \frac{80}{1.0278 – (0.0278 \times 5)} = \frac{80}{1.0278 – 0.139} = \frac{80}{0.8888} \approx 90 \text{ kg} ]
Note: This formula provides an estimate and may vary based on individual differences.
Once you have determined your 1RM or estimated it, you can structure your training program accordingly. Here’s how:
Use percentages of your 1RM to set training loads for different goals:
Gradually increase the weight, reps, or sets over time to continue making strength gains. For example, aim to increase your rack pull 1RM by 2.5-5 kg every few weeks, depending on your progress.
Complement rack pulls with accessory exercises that target the same muscle groups:
Implement a periodized training plan that cycles through different training phases (e.g., hypertrophy, strength, power) to optimize performance and prevent plateaus.
Determining your one-rep max for rack pulls is a valuable tool for assessing strength, guiding training programs, and tracking progress. Whether you choose to perform a true 1RM test or use estimation formulas, incorporating rack pull 1RM data can enhance your strength training strategy. Always prioritize safety, proper technique, and gradual progression to achieve optimal results while minimizing the risk of injury.
If you’re new to rack pulls or 1RM testing, consider consulting with a certified strength and conditioning coach to ensure proper technique and safe testing practices.
Tell me your goals, what your life goals are and I will tell you who you are.
So there is a double edged sword of goals, life goals etc. The problems here is that you could hit and achieve all of your life goals, and once that you have achieved them… Truth be told it is pretty anti-climactic. For example, even my insanely audition goal of lifting 1000 pounds, I was very very happy and pleased with it… But once again, at least to me it felt like another day at the gym. To me the difference between lifting 995 pounds, and 1000 pounds, was just a number in my mind. 
Funny thought… Numbers and round numbers, there’s this weird psychology behind it.
Example, I’m currently eyeing on purchasing some new weights because I’m maxed up my current set up. Yet for me… To pay 550 or $560 seems like too much… But to pay 500, like 450, or 490 seems much more palatable.
This is why… To charge $999, at least for the sticker price on an iPhone pro is insanely intelligent because once you break the thousand dollar mark, in the mind of people… It is almost too much. Also then intelligence of Elon… To essentially make the model 3 and Y, at least the sticker price is $29,999 a dollar under the $30,000 mark is genius. I think one of the things that I learned is that we humans are funny… We are often sucker by these superficial number differences.
A big innovation I discovered while in Cambodia Asia we lifting there… Is everyone uses kilograms, not pounds. And this was the impetus to help me break beyond my mental barriers, at least when it came to traditional pounds and weights.
For example, the traditional American plate is 45 pounds… But when it comes to kilograms, the red plate is 25 kg, which is more close to about 52 pounds.
As a consequence… As an American weightlifter or powerlifters, let us see the deadlift, in which the traditional marker of strength is being able to do at least a four plate to dead lift, which is 405 pounds in total. Yet if you took the metric kilogram approach… Four plates, assuming that it was in 25 kg increments, would technically be a lot more.
This is where steel is better than iron… Steel is more expensive, but should last a lot longer than iron. And this is where I think buying calibrated steel weightlifting plates is a good idea… In theory if you keep good condition of it, you should be able to hand it down to your Kids.
And this is where things become fun… now that you have a son, or at least I do… Life is so insanely great because I’m so excited the day that I get going to weightlifting, and I could hand down my legendary Texas power squat bar to him, and also he will inherit all my weight lifting equipment and plates etc.
I think this is the reason why it is difficult for people who have never had a kid or child to imagine the future. Why? If you are the typical single millennial, or let us say if you have a dog or whatever…  it is actually very difficult to think about the future. Why why? Your life strategy becomes about hedonism maximization, which is in the context of eating good sushi, traveling to Japan, etc. But like Cindy famously said… You can only go to burning man so many times. And also, you can only go to Japan so many times, and eat good or omakase sushi so many times before it loses its appeal. 
Haha yeah
Just learned this morning that aggression means to walk towards. Or to attack.
So… Some bizarre inconsistencies here.
First, these women honking at you from behind, atop their armored vehicles, these tank-like Mercedes-Benz AMG G wagons, or some sort of high-powered BMW or Mercedes SUV.
The first problem here is that a woman, assuming that you’re a formidable man, would never ever ever bark at you in real life, face-to-face.
Typically, women are much smaller and weaker than men. If you stand next to the average woman face-to-face, assuming that you’re 6 foot tall, a weightlifter, and she is maybe the average 5 foot two, maybe 5 foot five, even on the tall end, 5 foot eight… She will be no match for you.
I could say I’m typically much happier, walking in on the streets, rather than driving or in a vehicle. Why?
The first primary issue of vehicles is that any midget in a lifted F150 raptor can try to bully you. And this goes with almost any single car out there… I do find a low-key experience on the road… because I have a white Prius in LA– people try to bully bully with their pussy vehicles?
Another bad thing I have observed, more in Orange County… Being on the road, even the fast Lane, I am driving 80 mph, which is technically above the speed limit, and I am in the fast lane, and then these losers in these lifted trucks, are tailgating me super hard from behind… Trying to go 120 mph or something… Will try to punk me by tailgating me, highbeaming me, honking at me, or trying to cut me off?
 The first issue here is that I think the mentality of a bully is that we get a small power boost joy from honking around and bullying other people. And this is where a lot of modern day society is bad because assuming you’re living somewhere in which everyone is stuck in vehicles all day… It is actually very dehumanizing. it is difficult to know whether somebody else has a toddler in the back, or who knows, their parents are in the hospital whatever.
And also… Something else I discovered a big issue is that a lot of people have vehicles with limo tints. As a consequence, you cannot make eye to eye contact with them, and they tried to hide behind their vehicles, acting like assholes, trying to shield themselves from any sort of social repercussions.
Once again, the critical issue here is that if somebody’s behind you, and you are in a car… And they start honking at you or hiding you or whatever… There is technically nothing you could do to fight back. Unless you have a high powered horn mounted on the trunk of your car, facing reverse, or even better yet, some sort of high-powered LED light bar on the back of your car, shining reverse.
I prefer the minimalist approach, so I probably wouldn’t bother and waste my time installing all this actual equipment on my car, but if I did… That would be a simple solution: install one of those “HELLA” I heard horns on the back of your car, facing backwards, so if some asshole tries to honk at you or pull you around… You can fight back.
I also think that is the ethos of mafia dons, they never ever ever sit at a restaurant with their back turned. and also, this is ultimately something I discovered about people who parked their automobile cars backwards… It is more of a stunt because the front of your car is almost like the front of your face, and the rear of your car is almost like your butt. Or your back. As a consequence… If you park in reverse, and have the front facing outward… You are technically in a more dominant position.
Buying a searching car won’t make your dick size bigger, nor will it increase your testosterone. The only way to increase your testosterone is through intermittent fasting, 100% carnivore diet… Or better yet, try experimenting with 100% or meat diet. Beef liver, beef heart, beef lungs, beef kidney, beef tongue etc.  Pro tip, if you ever go to an LED Korean barbecue restaurant, make sure you max out on the Oregon meats, the beef tongue, the beef liver, the beef intestines, etc. These are just natural steroids for you.
 Once again, if I could tell you  with 100% veracity, 100% truth, 100% logical in scientific fact that consuming more beef liver, which is the most prized of all organ meats, especially for wolves and carnivores…  would actually boost your testosterone by 1000 X, naturally… Which would make you sleep better, feel better, wake up brighter and with more energy and with more vigor, make your muscles bigger and more jacked and more wool, reduce your body fat percentage, increase your attractiveness to beautiful women, make you more confident around beautiful women and men… Wouldn’t you do it?
OK, unveiling some truths here. Most guys are wimpy.
I’ll get some examples… Count to what you see in the NFL, professional sports etc.… Most guys are actually pretty short, wimpy, chicken legs etc. Even the bodybuilders are quite wimpy. And also a lot of them are actually very short, maybe 5 foot six, 5 foot seven?
Not only that, but in Hollywood, all these guys is here on the big screen… First of all they are mostly on steroids and the juice, and most of them in real life actually don’t really have big legs. You’ll never see a Chris Hemsworth or a Henry Cavill lifting 1000 pounds on the squat rack like Eric Kim — so this is where I feel grand; I don’t even think Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime could’ve done it, maybe Ronnie Coleman would have been able to do it… I don’t think John Cena, Vin Diesel, even Rambo could’ve done it.
OK, the biggest issue here is that all these Tech nerds try to disrupt in terms of technology. But how many of them try to disrupt in terms of the human body?
Once again, some bizarre things.
First, aggression, battle, the lust for blood and war, I think is natural for human beings. Especially men. Perhaps only men?
How does this get commoditized? Through video games, through American football, sports, movies, UFC MMA etc. 
Once again, to any low testosterone man, who is watching American baseball or sports or whatever… What is really happening here? I have a theory… Essentially you’re outsourcing or crowdsourcing your testosterone. Which means:
As I see other manly men, doing high-powered manly things on the field, I myself feel a surge of testosterone and manliness? 
Come on… If you’re going to drop $3700 on an apple Vision Pro, most likely you’re a guy or a man… And I can almost guarantee you… If you’ve done it or not or probably curious, to try out virtual reality point of view porn.
Apparently there’s also this movie called hardcore Henry that my friend Alexander Morgan told me, which is also shot, all POV, point of view. 
So when it comes to video games, like shooting games, counterstrike call of duty etc.… Note it is always done from your own POV. And I still will never ever ever forget the first time I saw that Nike POV commercial, shot from the perspective of the pro aspiring pro football player… How gangsta it was.
Even when I think about my most viral videos on YouTube… They were all my POV videos, especially the street photography POV videos. Why? I think for a lot of bystanders, or sideline observers, everyone is curious about how it actually looks like to do street photography, in the flesh. This is maybe having some sort of GoPro mounted to your chest, and just showing people the behind-the-scenes street photography, how is done, how the sausage is being made, is good. 
Because ultimately, we want to feel like we are in the driver seat. For example, when you see the guy driving the Lamborghini, what you visualize in your mind is you yourself sitting in the Lamborghini, being the driver, being the active driver! We could care less about the other guy, we care more about the car, and Fantasize about ourselves being the front line driver.
Also, I think the whole appeal of point of view, virtual reality porn is that once again, you’re able to bang all these beautiful babes, while having you as the hero, the point person?
And also let us consider, if you’re playing Diablo or some sort of video game, your building your own character, and that character is you! Diablo unlike maybe Final Fantasy or something, is unique because you’re only building one solo character, not a whole squadron. 
My thought is the reason why we have such a contentious relationship with our human body is because most of us are raised to abnegate the body. Almost all religions, schools of thought.
Even in Confucian, east Asian culture… It is all about the virtues of the mind, and scholarly education… Not bodily. This is why you don’t see that many Asian guys in the NFL or the NBA… They are probably being forced by their parents to practice piano or study math at Kumon, rather than pursue professional sports. 
Also… A simple thought… Haven’t you noticed that there are zero women in the NFL or in professional American football? Even if you gave the woman all the steroids in the world?
I bought every V12 engine wish I could take it back to the beginning - JAY Z
Last night, this morning, playing around with the new ChatGPT 1o– and read the blog post on it on the open AI website, and the thought which was interesting… Taking things back to first principles, taking it back to the beginning.
So the first thing that is super interesting about the new ChatGPT model is that it scores much higher, in math science and really really advanced things like coding. And what it does which is interesting is that it spends more time thinking, before spitting out a response. 
When I was going super super deep into philosophy, around 2017, 2018… I penned an essay titled “Why Think?”. Some people thought it was a ridiculous idea, but… It might be the most critical one in modern day times.
First thought: one can only think while walking, in the outdoors, experiencing gravity, reality, friction, changes in temperature humidity etc.
Also, one cannot think while being sedentary on one’s butt.
Let us consider… No great thought has arisen from a butt. Great thoughts can only arise from legs. 
The cult of sitting has been around since ancient Greek times, it was typically seen as an honor thing; you would sit, or others would sit around you, when it came to the king, the gods, processions etc. To sit was more of a social, sociological thing.
But now… Things are really weird. It does seem that nowadays, there seems to be a stronger connection between making money, and sitting on your butt. Typically, the more and the longer you sit on your butt, is correlated with how much money you will earn. 
For example, the modern day programmer, either sitting on their butt all day, or maybe standing all day, or a little bit less worse… Standing walking treadmill while programming. But I think a lot of people have a hard time walking and programming at the same time — I think most people need to be sedentary, or at least not moving to be productive.
Or let us consider… What is being sold to us? I figure it out… A Lamborghini Ferrari Porsche McLaren or whatever… are for weaklings, wimps,  and typically skinny fat or fat people, or Shorty guys.
Let us consider, the greatest position for a man to be in is standing. Not sitting.
For example, I am pretty tall, around 5 foot 11. And now that I wear my 60 pound weight vest every morning, my posture has also improved. As a consequence having a greater posture, I actually appear to be taller, more dominant.
Also, I find that women don’t like it when I stand next to them because they see how much taller, stronger, or dominant and powerful I am than them. Same goes with men. Especially the shorty guys. 
In fact, whenever someone says some thing which is unpleasant to me, the simple strategy is to take a step towards them, just like how we linebackers do it in American football.
When in doubt, take a step forward! (The first thing I learned playing linebacker, middle linebacker in high school, sophomore and junior year).
The reason why this is so unnatural is that typically, when it comes to natural things… You take a step back. For example if you’re playing football… And you’re on defense and the other side the ball, and the place starts… You have all these raging hormone teenage boys, full of muscle and armor padding, coming at you… The natural response is actually too kind of take a step back and run away. But we had to first learn as a technique, as middle linebacker, even when you thought that they were going for a pass, to always take a step forward, and then take a step back later.
I almost wonder… When it comes to uncertainty or doubt, it always makes sense to take a step closer to people.
First, vision. Maybe if you’re too far away, you might have just seen something incorrectly. You might have mis-seen the situation, and you might just need a simpler look. 
For example, I have myopia, a.k.a. I need to wear glasses. Without my glasses I can’t see anything. I’m blind as a bat.
Therefore as a consequence, I almost wonder if we should take this metaphor to real life. That is, in real life we also have myopia of reality in general. That we cannot really understand it until we are there very very close, face-to-face. 
Something that I learned how to do, especially now that myself confidence is out of control… Is when I’m at the gym or I see people weightlifting… I’ll get super super close to them, and watch them go for their powerlifting, one rep maximum lift.
And I will compliment guys, and also help hype them up.
This is very interesting because truth be told… Nobody ever guesses that I am essentially a demigod and strength, that I have gone viral twice over, at golds gym and Venice Beach, and also I think those are random video of me lifting seven plates on, which also went viral, which got millions of views, unbeknownst to me.  after that video went viral, all these people started to see me differently at the gym, a little bit shocked and amazed that me, and also a little bit intimidated of me?
Anyways, one of the guys told me what my Instagram was, that I should capitalize on all these views. I told him I didn’t have Instagram I was not interested. I suppose this is the upside of becoming already super super famous in a different domain, street photography and photography in general. And I suppose this is the upside:
Trust no weightlifter, power lifter, athlete fitness person who is on Instagram TikTok or social media, even YouTube.
Why? The critical issue here is that if your weightlifting numbers or your physique or whatever is correlated to likes on social media, then… Sooner or later, said individual will try to maximize this by taking steroids or other weird stuff.
Also, even worse as people who get sponsored… Now you become a slave to the sponsored brand because now your performance your body your physique your numbers have some sort of potential money making scheme attached to it. 
I also suppose I am really really intelligent and wise now, because now at the age of 36, being married and having a beautiful child, probably the most wonderful child of all time, I don’t really have nothing to prove to anybody anymore.
I’ve reached all the hallmarks of modern day success, fame, riches, wealth, money, traveling the planet and the globe, mastering the physical domain (lifting over 10 plates at the gym, my thousand pound atlas lift), getting an insanely jacked physique and 6 pack (more recently being here in LA, my glorious full body tan, gleaming and bronze), and pretty much everything.
Anyways, now I suppose the grand upside is I could really really now, just speak frankly, without any fear, or concern about anything.
First, I mentally retired in 2017, when I realized that I would never run out of money. Living in Hanoi, $320 a month for rent, and eating out all my meals and just drinking coffee all day… Maybe paying $500 a month, between Cindy and I? and even our passive income surpassing that. 
Second big realization, quitting email. Essentially realizing that almost 0 fiduciary opportunities or things ever came from email. Like literally. The only way I ever have made money, via workshops with the Internet was through my own imperative… Planning and conducting my own workshops, etc. And also creating and promoting and selling my own haptic industries products. With Cindy.
 Reminiscing with Cindy… Thinking about our 20s, essentially the problem of being in your 20s even 30s, is everyone is trying to chase some sort of legitimacy.
“ I’ve been awoken from a enlightened man stream checking Instagram comments to crowdsource my self-esteem” – Kanye West
The reason why me deleting my Instagram in 2017 with 65,000 followers was the most influential photographer thing of all time is that I had the intelligence and the wisdom  that this was a trap!
I think maybe the most courageous thing you could do as an individual in two days world is when you have a certain ethical feeling or idea… To be able to sacrifice potential money fame power and influence, in order to follow your own gut, and what you believe in?  And also more specifically… What you don’t believe in? 
Very interesting… You can better get to know people based on what they are anti rather than what they are for.
For example, let us say that you’re doing a dating profile or whatever… ask people what they are not for, rather than what they are for. 
Your anti preferences, or your pet peeves. Also… When it comes to rules and regulations, don’t ask people what you should do, ask people what you should not do, the NASSIM TALEB via negativa principle.
I almost feel like in today’s world, it takes more courage to be anti something, rather than for something. To be anti mainstream — or anti mainstream thoughts take much courage.
The soft idea I have is that whenever it comes to any sort of rhetoric, which seems to be pretty popular or universal, always choose and opt for what is less standard. 
For example, am I permitted to anti plants? Or anti dogs? Or anti hormone therapy beyond the life or death situations? Or am I allowed to be anti sex changing via hormonal therapy?
People tell you to keep an open mind for yourself, to be different etc … , and to be open minded until you don’t?
Natural is Best:
I have a new funny idea — a true 100% natural bodybuilder doesn’t even consume protein powder!
What are we not permitted to do in today’s world? To strike. 
I’ll give you some examples:
First, everything is about defense, self-defense etc. For example… You can never strike first, or hit first.
For example, in Star Wars… The whole issue with Han Solo was,
Are you allowed to shoot first?
So for example… Let us say that if you think about the art of war, Machiavelli’s ethics – according to them… Striking first can be virtuous, and the smart strategy… If you knew with 100% foresight that if you waited too long, the other person would shoot you. 
For example, let us think about the ethics of guns and gun defense. Let us say that once again, you knew with 100% certainty that in 30 seconds, the guy would pop out a pistol and shoot and kill you. And let us assume that you also have a pistol Concealed… And you have an option to shoot and kill or maim him first…  or at least shoot him in the balls. Before he kills you.
Now the issue here is when you are in such a high adrenaline situation… Human actors we are not rational. And this is where you hear all the stories of these people first shooting an African-American kid, who just had a Coca-Cola can in his pocket or whatever.
Now, some issues:  
First, anybody who owns a gun, a “self-defense” weapon… Truth be told, I think they are secretly itching to use it. They’re almost looking for a reason to use it.
I’ll give example… Let us see that you are the police, and you live in Irvine California. Come on… You’re just looking for a reason to use all of your high-powered weaponry.
I’ll give you another ridiculous example… A few weeks ago, I was in Santa Monica… And I saw this maybe 16-year-old Latino kid was sagging pants, running away from about a highly muscular 6 foot two police officer, and after they tackled the kid, handcuff him, there’s about five or six police SUVs that pull up?
I suppose in Santa Monica… It is not very dangerous. I’m not sure if this kid pickpocketed somebody, or did something… But, the response was very overcompensation, unnecessarily heavy-handed.
OK… Some unorthodox ethics.
First, I think there needs to be engaged thing. Like for example if the kids are young teenagers, or obviously maybe sub 21 years old… You give them a free pass.
I think the issue is it looks like the man is in his 30s or 40s… This is where you give them no mercy?
I think men do not understand is that no death of their child is ever justified… Even if the child was in the wrong.
I think the issue is with pistols, firearms, and 9 mm guns, Glocks, whatever…  there is an asymmetry. For example you could be a 99 pound skinny fat loser, with even a basic pistol, and immediately killed somebody who is 6 foot two and looks like Thor. Assuming that the other guy doesn’t have a gun.
And I suppose the difficult ethics here is it is kind of impossible to ascertain whether someone else has a gun or not.
Now some issues:
First, there are some people who have guns, some people who do not have guns. How do you know? 
First, think about the neighborhood. If you’re driving through Compton, Watts, Inglewood, South Central LA… Assume that everyone has a gun. However, if you are in Beverly Hills, Brentwood or even Culver City… Assume that nobody has a gun.
At least in America, typically rich people do not really carry guns or self-defense weapons. I find that from a sociological perspective, gun owners tend to be from lower class, middle America, strange people in the Midwest, who “homestead”, listen to Fox News, and too much Donald Trump rhetoric. Typically liberals, left-leaning people, rich people… Don’t even think about guns? I suppose the nuances if you are rich “white-sican” in Mexico City driving the convertible Lamborghini… They probably have a self-defense gun.
I suppose the upside of a Japan or South Korea is that nobody has guns, I think even knives are rare.
The upside is whenever you watch these South Korean or maybe even Japanese yakuza movies… Typically they don’t have guns, but samurai blades and swords, sashimi blades etc. 
I would actually prefer a world in which we assumed with 100% certainty that nobody had any guns, knives, and weapons, and if you ever gone to an argument with somebody, it would come down to like a UFC, MMA, boxing style thing…
You solve it, with your fists, your legs, your naked body.
Theory… Maybe it was all about confirming that the other person did not have a weapon on them?
Once again… I think that ethical thing here is–
Weapons are unethical because they give you an asymmetric advantage, whereas defense or armor is virtuous.
 For example, don’t be a pussy and try to get yourself a gun. My better suggestion is if you really are concerned about your life… Buy a bulletproof vest or Kevlar equipment instead.
I think one of the great things I am very proud about my 60 pound weight vest, is that certainly at least in a fistfight… I will win. If somebody tries to punch me in the chest, it will likely shatter their hand. 
Also… It might repel, or at least reduce the impact, if somebody shot me with a gun, assuming that the bullet did not go through the in-between areas?
Funny enough, if you were a drug dealer or you lived in a very dangerous neighborhood or whatever, funny enough it seems that cyber truck might be your best bet. It might be the only mainstream bulletproof armored vehicle?
I mean the real optimal strategy is just don’t live in a dangerous area. But then again at the same time, you don’t want to live in Irvine California. The castrated society. 
I think we men… Perhaps what we men desire is to become a champion, some sort of hero. 
But wouldn’t it be a better idea that you become a hero, just with your fists, and your body? And your legs?
I’ve met a lot of people who play American football, or played American football, and 0% of the time they ever think or wonder whether I played or not. I think it is just a low-key racism… We assume that Asian guys are weak and effeminate, and we never see Asian American guys in the NFL, and as a consequence… we think of Asian guys as the weaker race.
Whenever somebody calls me Bruce Lee, I appreciate it and take the compliment, but the same time, I get a bit annoyed… Because truth be told, I don’t really care for Bruce Lee at all. I didn’t grow up to Bruce Lee movies, I grew up to Arnold Schwarzenegger! I grew up to Terminator, Rocky, Rambo etc.
The problem with Bruce Lee was he was too skinny, not enough muscle. And it seems that Bruce Lee… he was more of a magician, witchcraft and voodoo.
My critique about martial arts, karate, stuff like that is if he comes almost like a secret weapon, some sort of strange mistresses, rather than raw, pure power, pure muscle.
For me… I would prefer to look like Arnold in his prime. Yet, he was on steroids and openly admits it.
Therefore, the biggest issue we have been is here or all these guys on steroids, propagating a false vision of reality, and you have all these young impressionable teenagers, striving to become like Arnold?
I think the strange thought is we are always taught that to become someone else’s virtuous, and to become yourself is viceful or a sin?
For example, we are always told to become like Jesus… But why is Ever says that you should become yourself? We are taught that being evil, bad,, but don’t realize that Jesus was a bad ass… And often aggressive, like when he busted out the whips, and whipped out the oxen from the Jewish temple, and said out loud “ do not sell wares inside my father home!”
Pontius Pilate was a real historical figure, and Jesus of Nazareth also was. I told you with 100%  certainty that in fact, Jesus was a real human being, a real man, 100% real… A real flesh bound, physics space, biological human being man… That is assume that all the stories in his miracles were metaphors. In fact, the good thing about being Roman Catholic is that we believe in metaphor, not literals– this is where the protestants and “sola scriptura” get it wrong.
Even Catholics, we think of God as more of a metaphorical figure. Not a literal one.
We also look at the miracles of Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Almost from a more secular perspective. Also con substantiation, Eucharist, tribute told everyone knows it is a bit of a metaphor. I don’t think anyone really really really 100% think that when the priest rings the bell, and puts his hands over the unleavened bread, that is actually really does literally and physically become the flesh of Jesus Christ. Any stories about the Eucharist turning into blood, do not trust people without sound judgment.
Anyways, I think Jesus Christ is an interesting individual because his morals and ethics were so radical and revolutionary at the time — to turn the other cheek  a bit of a nonsense.   But my suspicion; if we think about Jesus like Gondi or whatever… How much of Jesus is teaching were based on the fact that he did not have an army that could overtake the Roman Empire, if we magically gave Jesus 1000,000 centurions, would he have behaved or acted differently?
The reason why it is not good to watch any Disney movies, or Marvel movies, Batman or Superman, or the like is most of these stories and concepts, alter ego etc.… Either come from Stan Lee, or other guys who were either raised Jewish American, protestant, Christian, certainly American… Which has strange notions of a savior complex.
For example even the movie at this, saying that you are “the special”– if you think about all traditional movies in America they are all seeking a Jesus figure, like Neo from the matrix, etc. And let us not forget that Warner brothers discovery which owns all the intellectual property of the matrix and beyond,  they just keep rehashing the same concept, ad Infinitum.
I think humans, we have a difficult time dealing with complexity, we want simple straightforward answers. Poison example, if you’re Christian in America, the goal is to be like Jesus. But why would you be like Jesus and you own a gun?  Would Jesus have owned a gun? No! He didn’t even have armor!
I’ll give you an example… John Wick. Everyone universally likes John Wick, even women, even people who are anti-guns. Even I love John Wick!
Yet, in real life,  I am very anti-gun. Not out of any sort of virtue signaling, but rather, I just really think it is the cowardly, weakling, pussy strategy. I really think that the true manly thing to do is once again, fist fights. Not even knives, or having a nail file.
Maybe this is where boxing, Wrestling, or MMA, the UFC is virtuous.? Even American football? Or rugby? But once again… The reason why I advise against any sort of high school or collegiate sports is that there will be at least one or two guys on steroids, without anyone knowing it. or they having low-key steroids, which is “cortisol shots “, to “heal” “injuries” . Anabolic steroids, are often prescribed to heal an injury, and this is how they are fake Weaponized.
Your favorite CrossFitter, your favorite  calisthenics guy, your favorite water polo player, whatever. Assume that 100% of people are on steroids, whether real or fake steroids.
I think I figured it out… The whole issue is about records, world records, or personal records. If there is a drive to shatter records,  there will eventually be some sort of steroid or fake steroid use. Because biologically, if you want somebody to deadlift 2000 pounds or whatever,  I doubt it is physically possible, unless you inject your asshole with all the steroids on the planet.
So whenever you’re walking around you see a dude who is much buffer than you, assume that he is just on steroids. And as a consequence you don’t really complain about it or feel bad about it… If they want to become impotent and not have kids and have their balls become marshmallows, so be it.
So I think the critical issue here is once again… Everyone is about show, performance, the real world etc.
However, if we think about Achilles and the like…  it wasn’t about competition that they sought, simply, revenge. 
A simple way not to get scammed in Los Angeles: assume that everyone is lying and bullshitting. Because you might be  right, 1 out of 99 times, and it might save your life? 
So also I thought about life… To play defense — is to be maximally critical and suspicious of everybody. But obviously do it in the spirit of Jesus! 
Trust nobody who is employed, doesn’t matter if they are employed by YouTube, Apple Amazon Facebook etc.… As long as they are not self owned, a sole proprietor, or independently wealthy… They cannot really speak their mind. 
Also, the reason you should not trust people on YouTube is that as long as they get advertising revenue from the videos, they also cannot really speak their minds.
So I’m starting to think… Rather than thinking about goals, life goals etc.… Perhaps a better way to approach life is to think about your life like a telos, a certain purpose life direction etc. 
For example… It was my life goal to atlas lift 1000 pounds. But now that I achieved it and hit it, then… Now, I no longer have a drive to do this anymore?
And also truth be told, I’m a type of person that I want to please everybody. I think I get it from my mom.
But anyways, trying to please other people, or to live a life in which you never offend anybody… Not possible. Especially if you want to be successful.