Why is Change So Difficult?

I think in life, one of the most difficult things is change. Adapting to change, thinking about change considering change etc. 

First, a creativity innovation carte Blanche thinking first principles thing. 

First, to think new and become new is difficult. It takes great skill, innovation, and radical understanding, it is not for the meek of heart. 

Second, I think the difficult thing is a deseridatum thing, a desired thing. The big question we have to think is is it desirable to think new and become new? 

First if you think from a capitalistic consumer perspective… Obviously it thrives on the new. For example, if we were all stuck on the original iPhone three iPhone 3GS… I’m sure people will not be very happy. I would also be very unhappy if I still had the original iPad, The current iPad Pro M4 chip I’m using, is literally like 10 trillion times better.

In fact, going to Hong Kong later this year, and I was thinking and reflecting… Time and technology; also staring at my old G9 camera, how at the time in 2017, 2018… It was literally the best camera on the market at the time. But now times have changed, and also technology has changed. Therefore the most intelligent strategy is right now, looking at it from scratch… I’m thinking… Right now in this given moment, what is the best option for things?

For example, when I first really got into photography, a lot of of it was dictated by technology. For example, when I was in high school, as a senior graduation present my uncle got me a Canon point and shoot power shot digital camera, I think it had 1.2 megapixels or something, but still… I loved it! It was always in my front pocket, and I literally photographed everything I saw. So when I discovered the macro mode, the rule of thirds grid, and also how he was able to shoot black-and-white, it blew my mind!

Fast forwarding a bit, getting my first Canon rebel XT camera then my canon 5D full frame camera, and discovering the whole lot, and then progressing a bit and getting the Leica M9 camera,  traveling the world etc., getting into film, the digital Ricoh and now currently the LUMIX S9– wow, technology has changed things a lot.

My major critique about a lot of people who tend to give fellatio to the past is that the past is predictable, easy, requires no courage. It is very very easy to hide behind Hitler mustache, some ugly flannel, some ugly throwback clothing, baggy clothes, drive some sort of base level German car, And opine on the past. And say how analog was super superior filmless superior vinyl superior whatever, and trying to harden back to our ancestral pest.

What I think takes more courage is to instead, rather than pink by analogy, to think the present moment right now, not by analogy or metaphor or to oversimplify the past.

For example, a lot of people tend to think of the past, romanticizing the past etc.… But you fools, don’t you realize that the past was most definitely 1 trillion times worse than it is today? For example, industrial London, childbirth mortality was 70 to 80%, Colorado dysentery, and sanitation had not even been discovered; if you accidentally poked yourself, they would probably surgery on you with rusty unsanitized instruments, this is before they even knew that you’re supposed to boil water before drinking it!

Even now, our understanding of things is literally 1 trillion times backwards. For example, this insidious idea of calories in calories out, “burning” calories. You fool! Don’t you understand that it is hormonal, driven by sugar, insulin, insulin signaling and spiking? The only reason why this calories in calories out notion still exist is the evil Coca-Cola corporation, who wants you to have a “balanced diet”, “moderate exercise”, that you can sneak in 100 cal Coca-Cola a day, and not “gain weight”– whereas in fact, the truth is gaining or losing fat,,, not weight.

Some people think that these are lexical different things, but this is not the case this could literally be a life with that matter, type two diabetes and type three diabetes (alzheimers) has anything to do with you or your family or parents.