How to Get Super Fucking Jacked Arms 

Wow, looking recently at my arms, my arms are super amazingly fucking jacked! Even without flexing, they look amazing! Very very full in the triceps, the biceps the shoulders and other parts of my body, which I cannot really notice.

And also, after getting a fresh haircut, from Cindy… Very very simple, shaving the sides clean, and just getting some cheap gel and slicking it back, Cindy calls it my “Lamborghini haircut”,– and also, this might be the lowest body fat percentage in my life! I think currently I’m at around 4% body fat, naturally without any weird stuff. And note, I might be the only weightlifter or bodybuilder or power lifter or strong man on the planet who doesn’t even take protein powder! Let alone loser creatine, which is the century just pulverized meat, why not just eat the meat?

And also, am I the only one on the planet who fast before weightlifting? Certainly the only one on the planet, may be out of all 8 billion of us, who was able to successfully lift 1000 pounds, that is over 10 1/2 plates on each side of the barbell, successfully, once again, without steroids, unnatural substances, and also no loser belt, wraps, knee wraps etc. 

Rack rack city bitch

Very simple; rack pulls are your best friend. Imagine like doing a dead lift, but you just put the barbell on the power rack or the squat rack, at around waist level, in between your knees and your hips, experiment at your height level, whatever feels comfortable, chalk up, and just lift the barbell off of the rack, even for half an inch or so! Literally after doing it with eight plates, I felt the good soreness in my biceps, my upper back, my traps etc.

Honestly the only reason people don’t do it is because people lack some sort of innovative mindset and creativity. People are still stuck on this loser thinking by analogy school in which everyone is just giving fellatio to Arnold Schwarzenegger, and all these loser bodybuilders on social media, for all injecting their assholes with steroids.

In fact, I’ve discovered a really really huge secret, the only reason you see more African-American and Caucasian people in the NFL professional sports etc., even I symbolize the NBA… Is all these guys are just using steroids! The only reason why you don’t see as many Asian guys in professional sports isn’t some pseudo racial things; genetics is fake; anyone who talks about genetics is essentially talking about he who is able to best use steroids and not get caught, or, to best use steroids with a stack of other strange drugs, to not have their breast tissue turn into “bitch tits” etc.

Finishing reading pumping iron  the original book I think in 1973, and with an updated afterward in 1980, when Arnold was 34 years old, super rich and successful, with his $700,000 house in Santa Monica, and just fresh shooting Conan the barbarian with a $15 million budget, and note, adjusted for inflation these numbers are huge, this was 1980! Which I think was 44 years ago? Wow. That’s even longer than I was alive; I’m 36 years old born in 1988.

Anyways, even back then — in this so-called “golden ages” of bodybuilding… 1973, now I do the math, it is 2024… This is about 50 years ago! Holy moly I’m 36 years old right now, if I added 50 years to my age, I’d be 86!

Anyways, just thinking consider if in 1973 all these dudes are already injecting their buttholes with steroids, anabolic steroids which at the time they didn’t even think that it was dangerous, or bad, imagine how much steroid technology has progressed in 50 years, to today.

And when I look at all these modern day bodybuilders and fitness people on Instagram and YouTube etc., it’s kind of like male prostitution; kind of how a lot of these influencer girls end up being these WebCam virtual prostitutes, to make money. Whatever I think it is fine; but if I had a daughter, no way in hell would I want her to do that kind of work. And also, no way in hell would I ever want Seneca do you ever inject his buttholes with steroids.

Giant or midget?

Also ,,, the least harmful major?

 so what is so interesting about looking at it in the past about Arnold Schwarzenegger and the like is that there is this notion of being a giant. I think it’s kind of a day term now, like Tony Robbins he has this seminar called awaken the giant within, which talks a lot to the baby boomer generation. And apparently the opposite of being a giant is a midget, which is not politically correct anymore, the nicer term to use is person of small stature or dwarf or something. Or you just pretend like they’re not a midget.

Anyways, whether this matters or not, is beyond my pay grade. Would I’m more interested in is how we could do things more naturally, get super fucking jacked and amazing without steroids or weird stuff.

The key is to consume more dietary cholesterol, a.k.a. beef liver and organ meats.

So I thought, maybe the whole keto ketogenic diet movement is a bit flawed because they do not emphasize the necessity for consuming dietary cholesterol in organ meats etc. For example, am I the first to propose this notion of 100% organ me to diet, which is 80% beef liver, beef beef kidney beef intestines etc.… And supplementing it with other stuff like eggs, including the yolk, or flesh meats?

The reason why I believe this to be such a big idea is that the loser vegan evil corporations like Bill Gates and James Cameron and the like promote this insane notion of a plant-based diet veganism, because it is so profitable. And let us consider, what is more profitable, to sell some sort of overpriced Pea protein powder, to these foolish millennial and zillenial and Gen Z folks, which makes them feel good about the planet or whatever? Or to sell them organ meats, which is not profitable. Even the American beef corporation, they cannot sell it effectively.

Just follow the money

ChatGPT is also a positive good for society because it is the number one way to smash inequality, racism sexism, and also… To overturn these ridiculous conspiracy theories?

For example, anybody with an iPhone and access to YouTube and podcast, who listens to Joe Rogan or whatever, well sooner or later fall victim to these weird conspiracy theories. Why? My theory is people cannot bear a society and world and universe which has no rhyme, no reason, which is just injustice. When people believe in a conspiracy theory, it feels just — it feels like it sets the order right.

Because once again, most feeble people cannot bear an injust world and society. 

It goes against everything that we have been taught about justice equality fairness etc. The world is not just.

The great solution

I have a very very simple solution; optimistic fatalism.

Fatalism simply means that everything is bad, injust, evil whatever.

Optimism, we all know what this means.

So my notion of optimistic fatalism is the ultimate hammer, the ultimate  solution. Both at the same time, put it inside your head and your brain and your soul and your body… That truth be told in fact, yes, it is all bad evil and injustice. But in spite of all that… How can you make the best of it?

Or even a step further, to think and understand that in fact, all of the badness injustice in the world etc., was positively helpful to make your life better?

The winner take all reality 

For example, I am the only winner in the world of street photography. The only one who was able to successfully do all the successful things, travel the planet and get all the accolades, and become a bitcoin millionaire out of all of it.

Now great upside is because now that I am financially independent, I can continue to give away all of my stuff for free open source, because I don’t have a profit incentive anymore. And now becomes more of an ethical thing; doing that in which I believe in, because I want to help humanity.

But, being a humanitarian, I think the only way to ethically do it is to be somehow self sponsored, financially independent, not having an office administrators and staff, and donors.

Why? As long as you have donors, it can never really be truly just. You’re going to have to parade around your poor kids at these annual dinners, to provoke sympathy, and a bad conscience to these rich donors, to keep them employed.

I could speak because I myself was one of these kids, KCCEB, Korean community center of the East Bay, I’m very very grateful for all of our mentors, but it has not lasted.

Nonprofits do not last.

Corporations don’t really last either

Only things which have lasted are the Vatican, the holy Roman Empire 2.0, Catholicism, independent wealthy families, endowments at Ivy League schools etc.