The Philosophy of Aggression

Just learned this morning that aggression means to walk towards. Or to attack.

So… Some bizarre inconsistencies here.

First, these women honking at you from behind, atop their armored vehicles, these tank-like Mercedes-Benz AMG G wagons, or some sort of high-powered BMW or Mercedes SUV.

The first problem here is that a woman, assuming that you’re a formidable man, would never ever ever bark at you in real life, face-to-face.

Typically, women are much smaller and weaker than men. If you stand next to the average woman face-to-face, assuming that you’re 6 foot tall, a weightlifter, and she is maybe the average 5 foot two, maybe 5 foot five, even on the tall end, 5 foot eight… She will be no match for you.

Issues with vehicles

I could say I’m typically much happier, walking in on the streets, rather than driving or in a vehicle. Why?

The first primary issue of vehicles is that any midget in a lifted F150 raptor can try to bully you. And this goes with almost any single car out there… I do find a low-key experience on the road… because I have a white Prius in LA– people try to bully bully with their pussy vehicles?

You cannot add inches to your height or frame, but you can lift your truck. 

Another bad thing I have observed, more in Orange County… Being on the road, even the fast Lane, I am driving 80 mph, which is technically above the speed limit, and I am in the fast lane, and then these losers in these lifted trucks, are tailgating me super hard from behind… Trying to go 120 mph or something… Will try to punk me by tailgating me, highbeaming me, honking at me, or trying to cut me off?

 The first issue here is that I think the mentality of a bully is that we get a small power boost joy from honking around and bullying other people. And this is where a lot of modern day society is bad because assuming you’re living somewhere in which everyone is stuck in vehicles all day… It is actually very dehumanizing. it is difficult to know whether somebody else has a toddler in the back, or who knows, their parents are in the hospital whatever.

And also… Something else I discovered a big issue is that a lot of people have vehicles with limo tints. As a consequence, you cannot make eye to eye contact with them, and they tried to hide behind their vehicles, acting like assholes, trying to shield themselves from any sort of social repercussions.

Once again, the critical issue here is that if somebody’s behind you, and you are in a car… And they start honking at you or hiding you or whatever… There is technically nothing you could do to fight back. Unless you have a high powered horn mounted on the trunk of your car, facing reverse, or even better yet, some sort of high-powered LED light bar on the back of your car, shining reverse.

I prefer the minimalist approach, so I probably wouldn’t bother and waste my time installing all this actual equipment on my car, but if I did… That would be a simple solution: install one of those “HELLA” I heard horns on the back of your car, facing backwards, so if some asshole tries to honk at you or pull you around… You can fight back.

I also think that is the ethos of mafia dons, they never ever ever sit at a restaurant with their back turned. and also, this is ultimately something I discovered about people who parked their automobile cars backwards… It is more of a stunt because the front of your car is almost like the front of your face, and the rear of your car is almost like your butt. Or your back. As a consequence… If you park in reverse, and have the front facing outward… You are technically in a more dominant position.

Your testosterone levels and your vehicle? 

Buying a searching car won’t make your dick size bigger, nor will it increase your testosterone. The only way to increase your testosterone is through intermittent fasting, 100% carnivore diet… Or better yet, try experimenting with 100% or meat diet. Beef liver, beef heart, beef lungs, beef kidney, beef tongue etc.  Pro tip, if you ever go to an LED Korean barbecue restaurant, make sure you max out on the Oregon meats, the beef tongue, the beef liver, the beef intestines, etc. These are just natural steroids for you.

 Once again, if I could tell you  with 100% veracity, 100% truth, 100% logical in scientific fact that consuming more beef liver, which is the most prized of all organ meats, especially for wolves and carnivores…  would actually boost your testosterone by 1000 X, naturally… Which would make you sleep better, feel better, wake up brighter and with more energy and with more vigor, make your muscles bigger and more jacked and more wool, reduce your body fat percentage, increase your attractiveness to beautiful women, make you more confident around beautiful women and men… Wouldn’t you do it?

Everybody lacks confidence

OK, unveiling some truths here. Most guys are wimpy.

I’ll get some examples… Count to what you see in the NFL, professional sports etc.… Most guys are actually pretty short, wimpy, chicken legs etc. Even the bodybuilders are quite wimpy. And also a lot of them are actually very short, maybe 5 foot six, 5 foot seven?

Not only that, but in Hollywood, all these guys is here on the big screen… First of all they are mostly on steroids and the juice, and most of them in real life actually don’t really have big legs. You’ll never see a Chris Hemsworth or a Henry Cavill lifting 1000 pounds on the squat rack like Eric Kim — so this is where I feel grand; I don’t even think Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime could’ve done it, maybe Ronnie Coleman would have been able to do it… I don’t think John Cena, Vin Diesel, even Rambo could’ve done it.


Human disruption

OK, the biggest issue here is that all these Tech nerds try to disrupt in terms of technology. But how many of them try to disrupt in terms of the human body?

Commoditized aggression

Once again, some bizarre things.

First, aggression, battle, the lust for blood and war, I think is natural for human beings. Especially men. Perhaps only men?

How does this get commoditized? Through video games, through American football, sports, movies, UFC MMA etc. 

Outsourcing your manliness?

Once again, to any low testosterone man, who is watching American baseball or sports or whatever… What is really happening here? I have a theory… Essentially you’re outsourcing or crowdsourcing your testosterone. Which means:

As I see other manly men, doing high-powered manly things on the field, I myself feel a surge of testosterone and manliness? 

VR POV porn?

Come on… If you’re going to drop $3700 on an apple Vision Pro, most likely you’re a guy or a man… And I can almost guarantee you… If you’ve done it or not or probably curious, to try out virtual reality point of view porn.

Apparently there’s also this movie called hardcore Henry that my friend Alexander Morgan told me, which is also shot, all POV, point of view. 

So when it comes to video games, like shooting games, counterstrike call of duty etc.… Note it is always done from your own POV. And I still will never ever ever forget the first time I saw that Nike POV commercial, shot from the perspective of the pro aspiring pro football player… How gangsta it was.

Even when I think about my most viral videos on YouTube… They were all my POV videos, especially the street photography POV videos. Why? I think for a lot of bystanders, or sideline observers, everyone is curious about how it actually looks like to do street photography, in the flesh. This is maybe having some sort of GoPro mounted to your chest, and just showing people the behind-the-scenes street photography, how is done, how the sausage is being made, is good. 

Because ultimately, we want to feel like we are in the driver seat. For example, when you see the guy driving the Lamborghini, what you visualize in your mind is you yourself sitting in the Lamborghini, being the driver, being the active driver! We could care less about the other guy, we care more about the car, and Fantasize about ourselves being the front line driver.

Also, I think the whole appeal of point of view, virtual reality porn is that once again, you’re able to bang all these beautiful babes, while having you as the hero, the point person?

Character building & development

And also let us consider, if you’re playing Diablo or some sort of video game, your building your own character, and that character is you! Diablo unlike maybe Final Fantasy or something, is unique because you’re only building one solo character, not a whole squadron. 

Your own body is the ultimate platform

My thought is the reason why we have such a contentious relationship with our human body is because most of us are raised to abnegate the body. Almost all religions, schools of thought.

Even in Confucian, east Asian culture… It is all about the virtues of the mind, and scholarly education… Not bodily. This is why you don’t see that many Asian guys in the NFL or the NBA… They are probably being forced by their parents to practice piano or study math at Kumon, rather than pursue professional sports. 

Also… A simple thought… Haven’t you noticed that there are zero women in the NFL or in professional American football? Even if you gave the woman all the steroids in the world?